Clients often say they don’t need a business plan because: They don’t need to raise finance. We say, but what about setting your targets for the next financial period? They have all their plans in their heads. We say, by committing your thoughts to paper, you can...
In our work we have found that the reviewing of pricing methods and strategies provide the quickest improvement to the profitability of a business. Many businesses are unknowingly giving away profit. Price can be adjusted immediately and the effect flows straight...
There’s been an 8% increase in the amount of money owed to London based SMEs due to late payment of invoices. It’s nothing new. SMEs have always had issues collecting outstanding sums of money from their clients. But that’s a big increase! And, when set against...
Changes in lifestyles, the economy, globalization and developments in technology are affecting the way businesses and their customers interact. Within the last few years there have been dramatic changes in the areas of • Communication – Personal Media • Customers –...
What is Social Media? In simple terms, social media describes the tools people are using to share text, video, images and information online and the networks they are using to connect with each other. It’s the evolution of the internet from a broadcast medium to a...
The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) has delayed the exit plans of the baby-boomer business owners but their need to exit has not gone away. The value of the average business has been limited for a few key reasons. Most businesses have been structured and operated with...