
The voice of NW4

We try to share topics we think may interest you or even benefit you.

We’d like to think we succeed some of the time.

Criminals, Kiddies and Terrorists…

Criminals, Kiddies and Terrorists…

….are just some of the types who may carry out cyberattacks for reasons such as financial gain, revenge, espionage or just for fun. Given the consequences of cyberattacks can be far reaching - ranging from financial loss to operational disruption and reputational...

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Making sure your business succeeds

Making sure your business succeeds

As business owners, you have a responsibility to ensure your business succeeds. One way to do this is to understand the main reasons why businesses fail and then prevent them occurring. So here are the top 10 reasons why UK SME’s fail and how we at Ripe typically help...

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AI – opportunities and risks

AI – opportunities and risks

What’s the best way to write an article on the benefits of AI? Well, how about asking Chat GPT! And this is what it had to say: Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers numerous benefits to UK Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), contributing to their growth, efficiency,...

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Retirement, IHT and Probate

Retirement, IHT and Probate

How well are your personal finances organised? Will your executors know what assets and liabilities you may have? In last August’s e-news, we talked about Wills (and gave practical tips) and now that Pratima’s doing probate work, she finds it much simpler when clients...

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Spring Budget 2024

Spring Budget 2024

The latest Budget was an important speech for the Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, and his Government, as he laid out key measures likely to affect his party’s success at the ballot box later this year. Although a date for the next general election is still yet to be set,...

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Tax Planning Checklist

Tax Planning Checklist

As the current tax year begins to wind down and another one commences from April, now is the time to be thinking about how to make the most of the tax reliefs and allowances that are available to you. To help, we have compiled the following checklist of the key...

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Januaray Newsletter

Januaray Newsletter

Clients often tell us that they are frustrated with their sales growth, but when we ask them about their marketing plan, they tell us they don’t really have one. Of course, few of us are trained on sales and marketing, so here’s some starters that may help: Carry out...

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Navigating the Complexities of Business Taxation

Navigating the Complexities of Business Taxation

Taxation is a critical aspect of running a business, and understanding its complexities is essential for limited company owners. Our comprehensive guide 'Running a Limited Company: A practical guide for business owners’, provides a breakdown of key tax considerations,...

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See how we can help

We’re here to help. If we can’t help directly, we probably know someone who can. All you have to do is ask….